Home » Man Apprehended For Recruiting Helpless Children Into Street Begging

Man Apprehended For Recruiting Helpless Children Into Street Begging

Police in Mukono have arrested a man for recruiting young children and using them to obtain money from the public in disguise that he would use it to cover their medical expenses.


The suspect only identified as Lambert, a resident of Kibuye was arrested in Kikooza Mukono after he was found moving with a young boy identified as Fahad Nsaadu suspected to be between 9-10 years.


Nsaadu suffers from a rare skin disorder and on numerous occasions Lambert was seen using him to ask for money pretending that he was to cover for his medical bills.


The arrest was championed by the Namumira Ward LCII chairperson Steven Kigundu who was in a barbershop at the time the two came around to beg for money. The perpetuator allegedly stayed outside and asked the child to go in and ask the people who were in the salon for money.


When they gave him, Lambert collected it all, prompting Kigundu to call the police to arrest him. Upon investigation, it was discovered that he was working with another person identified as Cyrus Odeke.


These two allegedly travel to villages in Busoga region and convince the parents to hand over their children to be registered into their NGO meant to provide free medical care for them. When they get to town, they use the children to beg for money instead.


Speaking to police, Nsaadu revealed that he comes from Bulinda Sub County, Bugiri District and to get him, the two men told his parents that they would treat him and sponsor him through school.

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