Home » Teacher In Court For Sodomizing Nephew

A 30 years old man who’s a Junior Secondary School Teacher has been arraigned in a Kajiado court for allegedly sodomizing his 16 year old nephew.



The suspect George Sane was charged with sodomizing the minor on different dates between December 2022 and early 2023.



Appearing before Principal Magistrate Edgar Kagoni, the accused pleaded not guilty of the said offense.



The case will now be heard on June 6, 2023.




Sane is too said to have engaged in homosexuality in the past and was charged in Court.



According to  police, the suspect in 2019 was accused by two men who he had engaged in the practice and not paying them their dues as they  agreed however they were all of them charged in court for engaging in the act with the charge still pending in Court.

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