Home » Pastor Ezekiel’s Church Risks Being Closed

Embattled man of the cloth Pastor Ezekiel now faces risk of losing his church as state goes after it.


According to The Registrar of Societies Jane Joram, they have issued a 30 day cancellation notice to the New Life Church.


This is because the church is being accused of failing to file tax returns since 2012 when it was registered.


“Since its registration, they have not complied with the requirements of the Societies Act, no returns have been filed and we have issued them with a notice to show cause,” Deputy Registrar of Societies Goretti Nyariki noted.


As many would wonder why all this was not detected earlier and dealt with, the Attorney General explain that lack of an office in Kilifi made it hard for them to notice the violation.


“The Registrar’s office only has offices in 14 regions. If we were in Kilifi may we would have noticed what was happening,”  he stated.


Pastor Ezekiel is now expected to defend his church failure to which the licence will be revoked and the church closed.


This notice comes moments after the court granted Ezekiel access to his Mavueni New Life Church even as his accounts remain frozen.

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