Home » Yesu Wa Tongaren To Reappear Before Authorities For Further Interrogations

Yesu Wa Tongaren To Reappear Before Authorities For Further Interrogations

Yesu Wa Tongaren Lands Theology Sponsorship

Yesu wa Tongaren|Photo Courtesy

New Jerusalem sect founder Eliud Wekesa popularly Yesu wa Tongaren has on Wednesday morning complied to Bungoma Police Commander’s summon over his religious activities and doctrines.



The father of eight has been on the public domain following his religious teachings and one leaving staunch Christians in awe; claiming to be the real biblical Jesus.



In a situation where the government is monitoring rising and existing religious cults sparked by the Good News International Church pastor Paul Mackenzie; the Shakahola massacre of over 110 people is a question of concern that has prompted the public interest to watch over the Tongaren self-proclaimed Jesus.



Following the public interest, Bungoma Police Commander Francis Kooli called upon Yesu wa Tongaren to appear before his security office for interrogation.

Screenshot of Yesu wa and His followers|Photo Courtesy

We will give him a chance to explain himself and then we will know if he has committed any crime. As for now, we cannot pre-empt,” Kooli told journalists before the interrogation.



Eliud Wekesa who appeared before the commander, on Tuesday; Tongaren Constituency MP Dr John Murumba Chikati defended the clergy before the press by saying there’s nothing bad for one to call himself Yesu.



Mimi sioni shida mtu yeyote kutumia jina Yesu. Acha kila mtu atumie ambalo anataka. Msiingilie sana watu wa Tongaren” Dr. Chikati said.



Mr Wekesa early Wednesday before appearing to the security committee told the press that he is not guilty and that he always preach the true gospel of God.



Sinako jambo lolote. Mimi nahubiri tu injili. Huenda wamesikia mambo ambayo hayako” Mr Wekesa told the press.

Yesu wa Tongaren’s followers at Bungoma Police Station|photo Courtesy

With his disciples/followers, he further told the press that his lawyer are the sun and the moon and that he has not sinned as a God’s servant.


Wakili wangu atakuwa jua na mwezi maana Sina dhambi yoyote ya makosa juu ya mwanadamu” Mr Wekesa admitted.


However, after appearing before the commander Mr Kooli, Yesu wa Tongaren’s wife Nabii Benjamin told Billy O’clock that her husband was found with no broken law but the commander will continue to probe into their religious activities.


Amekuwa kwa police Bungoma lakini hajapatikana na makosa ila ameambiwa atarudi huko tena kuhojiwa ” says Nabii Benjamin.

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