Home » Man Runs Away with Six Television Sets After Visiting Lodge

Man Runs Away with Six Television Sets After Visiting Lodge

Abdul Lubega mu kkooti.

A man suspected of stealing six television sets from a lodge in Natete, Lubaga-Mengo has been arraigned before the judge to answer for the crimes of theft.


According to the court documents, Lubega Abdul Shabaz, 21, a resident of Kyengera-Kinaawa, Wakiso District together with other yet to be identified suspects visited Awoo Lodge on March 22, 2023 and stole the TVs amounting to Ush3.6 million.


When his home was checked by policeman 56043 DC Uwuragire Lawrence, on April 9, 2023, he found other suspected stolen items including an ID belonging to Busuulwa Farouk, a Maria Cargo’s card under Kalevu Peter, a mobile phone and four sim cards registered under Irene Nabbale Nassozi’s name.


Lubega stood before Grade One Magistrate, Amon Magezi who charged him of theft and being in possession of items suspected to be stolen. Lubega in his defense revealed that on that fateful day he had visited the premises to have fun with his girlfriend only to have people knocking on his door accusing him of stealing the television sets as confirmed by the CCTV cameras at the lodge.


He denied the allegations further stating that he was dragged to Natete police together with the woman he was with on false accusations.


The magistrate did not hear his plea and sent him on remand at Luzira maximum prison until May 16, 2023.

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