Home » Man Discovered Murdered And Dumped By The Roadside
Nyandarua: Police Officer Murdered In Suspected Love Triangle

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Fear gripped residents of Nakwero Zone B, Kira Municipality in Kampala after they discovered a dead body of a man who had been gruesomely murdered.


According to the residents, the deceased, who is suspected to be between 18-20 years old, was found lying by the road side in the neighborhood. His identity remains unknown around the area and there was no form of identification on his dead body.


The deceased is suspected to have been a victim of a robbery from ruthless goons who had not only battered him but also stabbed him in the stomach area. Pieces of huge sticks and blocks suspected to have been used in hitting him were also found besides his body.


Locals who had gathered at the crime scene revealed that there had been an increase in the crime rate in their area and tasked police to beef up security to try and curb it.


The municipal councilors; Sserunjogi Mukiibi and Nabada Rose blamed the police for withdrawing their night patrols giving chance to thieves and murderers to attack people and homes.


Police from Kasangati arrived at the scene and took the body to Mulago Referral Hospital mortuary for postmortem. They also collected the items found near the body as exhibits to help with further investigations into the matter.

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