Home » Primary Teacher Discovered Dead In Staff Quarters.


Grief filled school stakeholders at Yoyo Primary School in Kululu Sub-County, Yumbe District after one of their teachers was discovered dead in the staff quarters.


Adroyo Secondo is believed to have passed on in the late hours of Monday night because his absence was noticed when he failed to show up for the morning lessons. When his colleagues went over to his house to look for him, they discovered his dead body at around 9:00 AM.


The cause of his death is still unclear but according to the Deputy Headmaster Afayo Stephen, Adroyo had complained of stomach ulcers which had caused him to vomit blood. His fellow teachers however had reported an improvement in his health after receiving medication.


His colleagues described him as a very resourceful mathematics teacher whose death had left a huge gap in the school since he got a job with the school in 2016.


“He has been a key teacher in our school. He was all round and teaching well in P.6 and 7,” Asibuku Mudashir, the school management committee chairperson said.


The district Education Officer, Atiku Rahman called upon teachers to always look out for each other and help seek for better treatment in case one of them is unwell to avoid such tragic events.


Yumbe Police arrived at the scene and took Adroyo’s body to Yumbe Hospital for postmortem before being transported to Katrini Sub County, Terego District for the burial.

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