Home » Street Beggar Found With A Gun

Police are investigating the unclear circumstances under which a street beggar was unlawfully found with a gun.


Hamuza Mayambala a renowned street beggar in Kampala along Namirembe Road was caught red handed in possession of a pistol and army attires. Upon interrogation, Mayamabala did not give straight answers, making the authorities believe that he was mentally ill.


“This gentleman has been giving us different uncoordinated statements so we took him to a psychiatrist to assess his mental state. If he means whatever he speaks or because he lost his mind,” Uganda police spokesperson Fred Enanga revealed.


Among the items that were discovered in his home at Biina Zone, Nakawa were an army Beret, full army combat, army raincoats and boots.


“This prompted us to write to the UPDF army asking if Mayambala is one of the veterans that participated in the NRA liberation war, reserve force or deserter or any information that can help up go forward with the investigation,” Enanga said

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