Home » Kerugoya Bhang Seller Surrenders To Police

Kerugoya Bhang Seller Surrenders To Police


A man suspected to be selling drugs in Kerugoya, Kirinyaga County surrendered himself to the local authorities on Friday and presented a letter seeking for apology.


The suspect who has been in the business for the past five years turned himself in following an order from Kirinyaga Central Member of parliament Gchoki Gitari two weeks ago.


The man accompanied by the three clergy men is said to have visited the MP’s office with an apology letter which he later presented to the Kirinyiga Central Deputy County Commissioner.


In the letter, the suspect confessed to being a bhang dealer and expressed his regrets in indulging in the illegal business.


He also asked to be forgiven doing the business in the area that was against the law.


“I can assure you that this will not be a repeat incident. I have respect for the law as well as officers of the law. I understand that you were just doing your duty to protect the community when you called me out. If I can be of any help to you and the community, please feel free to contact me. I am ready to co-operate and campaign against drugs,” read the letter.


However the local MP Mr. Gitari pleaded with the local authority to forgive the suspect for he had obeyed the orders by turning himself in.


He also urged other drug dealers who are still in business to surrender to avoid the harsh punishment by law.


“I am calling upon all drug dealers in the region to surrender themselves; if they do so they will be pardoned just like how the state does when telling illegal firearm holders to surrender their guns to authorities. If they don’t heed this call we will go after all of them,” said Gitari.



Section 4(a) of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotrophic Substances (control) Act provides that if a person is found guilty “in respect of any narcotic drug or pyschotrophic substance is subjected to a fine of one million shillings or three times the market value of the narcotic drug or psychotrophic substance, whichever is the greater, and in addition to imprisonment for life.”




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