Home » LGBTQ Flag Burnt To Ashes At Mt.Kenya

A ‘LGBTQ Flag’ hoisted at the peak of Mt. Kenya in 2019 was on Sunday brought down by some section of traditionalists under the banner ‘Booi wa Kirira Kia Mugikuyu’.



The Traditional Group claims that hoisting the flag on top of Mt. Kenya was desecrating Kikuyu’s holiest shrine.




According to them, Mt. Kenya is their supreme altar of which their traditionists pray facing the mountain.



“It is an affront to Gikuyu spirituality, for members of this community to desecrate our Supreme Altar by raising their flag on Kīrīnyaga (Mt Kenya),” said Kimani Charagu.



They  brought down  the flag before burning it to ashes. They further stated that they would throw the ashes to the river that flows to the Indian Ocean.



“We were determined to bring the flag down and thereafter perform cleansing rites by our sages,” added Kimani.

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