Home » Court Orders Man To Kill Noisy Cockerel

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A disturbed  man went to court seeking to enjoy his sleep in peace free from the continuous distractions from a neighbours’ cockerel which can’t stop crowing.

Malam Yusuf, bought a cock which he purposed to feast on on  Good Friday as he marks and celebrate the day. However, the cock proved to be a nuisance to the neighbour who moved to court accusing the cock of disturbing his sleep.


In the case presented before Magistrate Halima Wali in a Northern Nigeria court, Yusuf pleaded with the court to give him until Friday to kill it as the family celebrates Good Friday.


The Judge granted his request warning him to restrain his bird from roaming around and disturbing the neighbours.


In addition, failure to slaughter the bird on Friday as promised will attract  penalties from the court.

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