Home » Twins Locked In House By Their Father

Residents in Gombe Wakiso District have rescued a set of 9 year old twins whose father had locked them away in his house to starve to death.


The neighbors discovered the children identified as Nakato and Wasswa Jaggwe after one of them cried aloud for help from the locked house. The residents managed to break down the door and when they got to them, they noticed that the children were severely malnourished because they had not eaten in a long time.


One of the twins, Kato unfortunately died from starvation and the surviving Nakato could not stand or do anything to support herself.


The parents of the pair separated and according to their mother Nakitto Caroline, she walked away because of the mistreatment and disrespect by their father, Muyingo Moses, leaving them under his care.


“He always insulted me any time I asked for financial help for our children. I tried my best until I could not afford it anymore then I took them to their father. He chose to neglect them because he denied being the father to our children,” Nakitto said.


Residents called upon the authorities to take action against Muyingo who chose to neglect his children to a point that one of them died.


Muyingo in a phone call interview denied the allegations of mistreating his children claiming that he always fed them when he could afford.


“Their mother left me with these children two years back. They had heart problems which I could not afford to treat because I am a poor man. I did not starve them,” Muyingo said.

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