Home » Man Jailed For 400 Years Released After Serving 34 Years In Prison

Florida man jailed for 400 – years was on Monday released after his case exonerated.


Sidney Holmes was arrested in April 1989 by Florida police after allegedly accused of robbery with violence at gunpoint.


On 19th June, 1988; the 57- year – old man according to Florida court, was accused of leading a team of two who violently stole from a person residing at Fort Launderdale.


However, for a case that has taken 34 years, in 2010; Holmes went before the court at Broward County and pleaded innocent.


The Conviction Review Unit (CRU) after hearing Holme’s plea of being innocent, the panelist comprised of six independent law gurus searched into Holme’s matter and later, five claimed Sidney was innocent.


“We have one rule here at the Broward State Attorney’s Office – do the right thing, always. As prosecutors, our only agenda is to promote public safety in our community and to ensure that justice is served.


“I commend the victims, witnesses, and law enforcement officers for their candor and assistance in reinvestigating a crime that occurred more than 34 years ago” Broward State Attorney Harold F. Pryor said in a statement.


The panelist when reviewing Holme’s case, they claimed the convict’s car was misunderstood by other two who ran and never identified thus the result of his arrest.


They allege according to their review, the witnesses attesting Holmes’s case against him were also not so sure if Holme’s vehicle was the real one for two unidentified robbers ran for safety.


On Monday when he was jailed out, the media reports that Holmes after arriving home and greeting members, he was much hungry and requested for food to eat.

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