Home » Wife Stabs Husband To Death Over Infidelity.
Nyandarua: Police Officer Murdered In Suspected Love Triangle

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Shock and fear gripped residents of Ggitta Village, Kasangati in Wakiso District after a woman murdered her husband in cold blood after a disagreement.


It is reported that the deceased, 67 year old Richard Ssemambo had gone to the bar to have fun with his wife Rebecca before they got into a heated argument at around 11PM.


“Most people say they witnessed the wife being very bitter in an argument while holding a machete. But considering the fact that they have always been quarrelling, revelers did not pay any attention to them because they thought it was normal business.” A resident said.


Police in Kasangati arrived at the scene of the gruesome murder and on investigating the dead body; they discovered that he had been stabbed in the neck and the stomach area numerous times with a machete. The blood filled murder weapon was discovered in the house together with the bucket that contained blood stained clothes.


The items were taken as exhibits to help in the investigations. Rebecca, who was so drunk, was also taken into police custody.


Police arrested people who were in the bar at the time of the crime as key witnesses because they were found at the scene trying to save the deceased who lost a lot of blood.


According to an eye witness, the disagreements may have been as a result of the deceased’s infidelity.


Tom Muwonge, Mayor Kasangati called upon the police to be alert on the increasing number of crimes in the area and also advised residents to be vigilant in fighting crime.

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