Home » LGBTQ Should Be Locked Until They Give Birth

Ganze Mp Kennedy Tungule addressing residents in Ganze at a past event

Ganze Member of Parliament Kenneth Kazungu has proposed locking of LGBTQ lovers for three months to see whether one will get pregnant if they are to be allowed to coexist legally in Kenya.


Kazungu said just like the way Ugandan president Yoweri Museveni hinted the other day Kenya should emulate those ideas so that once they conceive after that period, they can be allowed to have a right of assembly and even register an NGO.
Addressing members of his constituency during a meeting to witness the value addition of cassava products at Matano Mane in his constituency he criticized the Supreme court for making such an ungodly ruling terming it against humanity and the morals of the country.
The MP said Sometimes even if they sit in Nairobi the Supreme court should get opinions from locals in the grassroots because the law will not apply in a vacuum adding that it has to go hand in hand with moral values.
“I respect the Supreme Court a lot but it was missed during the ruling of CDF, and just the other day it messed up again for legalizing same-sex marriages,” he said.
Kazungu said he was impressed by Museveni who reportedly took two homosexuals and locked them in a room and vowed to release them only if one got pregnant adding that the same should happen in Kenya.
He said the Supreme court has allowed a man to marry another man as his wife, and a woman to marry a fellow woman as his wife which is immoral.
Kazungu said the Kenyans have morals as Africans and as Christians which is against same-sex marriages adding that even Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed due to their immoralities but surprisingly the highest court of Kenya has allowed it to be legal.
He said the decision of the supreme court should be condemned and leave it to the European nations that are practising it legally.
Currently, she said many girls are single because the men are few and wondered what will happen if men began to marry each other.
“We cannot accept such practices which are against the African culture they should not be allowed here in Kenya I am still surprised why the supreme court came up with that ruling,” he said.
Ganze Deputy County Commissioner Louis Rono who was also present supported the MP and asked Kenyans to reject the same-sex marriages.
Rono said parents should also be on the lookout for their girls in a secondary school as vice is rampant in learning institutions.
He said at times girls drop out of school under unclear circumstances but it’s what they go through in the girls’ school unless parents are careful in making follow-up intelligently, they may not be able to know the reasons behind the behaviours.
“Let’s not accept such behaviours completely or we can adopt what the MP has said to lock down if it’s two women in a house until the time they get a child,” he said.

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