Home » Life After Death Is Impossible, Science Professor Claim

Despite scientists bringing to us new technological inventions like 5G network, solar powered vehicles, Virtual Reality (VR) spectacles, phones and computers, the same scientists are now causing eye-brows by claiming there’s no life after death.


One Physics Professor from California Institute of Technology told the Express that there’s no life after death.


According to the cosmologist professor, Sean Carroll, for there to be life after death, consciousness must be separated from physical body.


The laws of physics underlying everyday life are completely understood “ Prof. Carroll claim.


To him, human life is under the control of self consciousness where after one dies, he/she undergoes decomposition as one side occupies the electrons and the other, phantoms.


Throughout the process of decomposition, phantoms and electrons which are formed from consciousness, Prof. Carroll say man would have lost memory and there’s no way one can recall what he/she did while on earth.


But instead of an ever-lasting soul, consciousness appears to essentially composed of a series of atoms and electrons.


The laws of physics underlying everyday life are completely understood. And there’s no way within those laws to allow for the information stored in our brains to persist after we die” claims Prof. Carroll.


However, science believes in experimenting and tests, death has never been experimented and tested by scientists though, it’s usually felt in emotional form which science claim it’s is self consciousness disturbing a person. 


Quantum Field Theory (QFT) asserts that there’s one field in the universe for each type of particles. For instance one for electrons and another for photons.


As the case, Prof. Carroll claims that if there would be life after death, quantum tests could have revealed spirit particles and spirit forces.

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