Home » Prof Kindiki Ranked Best Performing CS

Prof Kindiki Ranked Best Performing CS

Cabinet Secretary for Interior and Administration of National Government Prof. Kithure Kindiki is the top performing Minister.


This is according to a report released by research company, Infotrak  on Tuesday 28th February 2023.


The report with a sample size of 2,149 people show that 27 percent feel Prof Kindiki has performed well in his first 100 days in office.



His colleagues in education and Sports Docket  Ezekiel Machogu and Hon Ababu Namwamba emerged in positions two and three respectively with a positive review of 12 and eight percent of respondents



The Ministry National Treasury and Economic Planning and that of Energy were ranked worst by scoring Es.



Even so, a quarter, 21 percent, of Kenyans believe none of the CSs have performed well since their assumption into office.



Infotrak conducted its  survey  between February 21 and 24 2023 through Computer Assisted Telephone
Interviews (CATI).


It covered all the 47 counties and 8 regions of Kenya with a 94 percent response rate.

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