Home » Mjengo Men More Fertile And Healthy, Study Reveals

Studies have shown men who do manual jobs such as builders watu wa mjengo are more fertile than those stuck in office chairs.


According to one reproductive expert Dr Lidia Mínguez-Alarcón, manual lifts men have higher sperm count and their sperms are of high quality and healthy.


What these new findings suggest is that physical activity during work may also be associated with significant improvement in men’s reproductive potential.


We already know that exercise is associated with multiple health benefits in humans, including those observed on reproductive health, but few studies have looked at how occupational factors can contribute to these benefits” says Dr Lidia Mínguez-Alarcón, a reproductive epidemiologist from Brigham, Women’s Hospital in the US.


Other than having high sperm count, studies also shows that manual lifters have higher levels of testosterone hormones and also, female hormone, oestrogen.


Contrary to what some people remember from biology class, male and female hormones are found in both sexes but in different amounts.


In this case, we hypothesise that excess testosterone is being converted into oestrogen, which is a known way for the body to keep normal levels of both hormones” adds Dr. Lidia


During the study, samples from over 1,500 men and women were surveyed where 377 men who lifts or moves heavy objects at work were discovered to have 46% higher sperm concentration and 44% higher total sperm count.


The Environment And Reproductive Health ( EARH) previously found that among men seeking fertility treatment, sperm count and quality declined by 42% between 200- 2017.


According to EARH, this was as a result of environmental chemicals, lifestyle choices and activities a person does that affects reproductive health.


Four out of ten cases of infertility were discovered to be due to sperm count, semen quality, health status and sexual function.


Further, there is increasing evidence that male infertility is associated with common chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and autoimmune disease, highlighting the broader importance of male reproductive health” notes Brigham, Women’s Hospital’s epidemiologist.


Unlike men who are always stuck in office chairs, the bodies of men who do manual jobs are strong, energetic and body metabolic activities always occur co-currently.


The activities manual workers do makes their bodies healthy and enables cells to fight diseases and body reactions to happen giving room for the formation and production of healthy sperms.


However, in the study published in the journal Human Reproduction, the study will pave way for revealing the underlying biological mechanisms at play and confirm if these findings hold true for men generally.

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