Home » Investor Thrown Behind Bars For Raping Woman Promising Her A Job

Investor Thrown Behind Bars For Raping Woman Promising Her A Job

Shekhar Singh pictured in court

Police in Mukono are holding in custody an Indian investor for allegedly raping a 28 year old woman with a promise for a job in a transformer manufacturing company.


On 13th February, Singh Shekhar, 43 who works as the director of sales and marketing at Steema Transformers and Electricals Limited, Namanve industrial park is accused of conniving with fellow employees who are Ugandan, to lure the woman to his home in Naalya, Kira Municipality.


It is alleged that when the victim got to the factory where Singh worked, his colleagues promised she would automatically be hired if she brought a client. They promised they would drive her to another company branch where her said office would be located but instead drove to the investor’s home.


At around 2:30PM, they arrived at Singh’s home, he forcefully tore her jeans, strangled and overpowered her.


“These guys left me in the room with this man; he immediately pulled my hand and started asking for sex saying he would give me a good job. After he injected me, he covered my mouth and raped me. Immediately after the sex, the man chased me out of his house.” The victim narrated amidst tears.


Following the crime, she states that she ran to Seeta police to report her case, also handing over her torn jeans as evidence against Singh. The victim is currently scared for her life and is crying for help because she says she is receiving death threats if she does not withdraw the case.


“The guys called me saying they wanted to give me money which I declined. I am in danger because they said if I refuse the money, they would kill me. They say they would look for me and pay money anywhere to get me.” She said,


Singh’s wife, Neetu Shekhawat defends her husband saying the day of the alleged rape, her husband had a lot of engagements with many clients and the crime pinned against him is an act of  blackmail and called upon police to investigate the allegations further.


“Ever since they took him for inquiry, he has never returned home, and being in a foreign country I am scared, so I request the Indian High Commission to intervene and help us handle this matter.” She said.


Singh was aligned before Mukono Grade I Magistrate Maureen Mukoya for his second hearing on 24th February, where he was ordered to be locked up in Kawuga Prison until 16th March for the next hearing as the prosecution gathers enough evidence. He is being charged with having unlawful carnal knowledge of a woman without her consent.

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