Home » LALA KAMA PANGA: Six Out Of Ten Young Men Are Single, Study Shows

Pew Research Centre an international survey based in USA has reported that six out of ten young men under 30 years are single.


The research released 2023 has shown men under 30 are exclusively single bringing a global rise from 51 percentage noted in 2019 to 63 percentage in the year 2023.


As reported by a US psychologist Fred Robinowitz, young men are much addicted to social media making them have less interaction with women.


Young men are watching a lot of things on social media especially pornography and I think they’re getting a lot of satisfaction without having to get out and interact with women” says psychologist Fred Robinowitz.

Pew Research Centre on men relation to dating

Before COVID-19, young men had much interaction with women making singlehood among themselves happen at a low pase. Dating was normal and many lived happily.


However, during the post- covid, quarantine and curfew rules made young men become social media addicts resulting to less interaction with women.


Psychologist Dancun Ndlovu a South African says, the post-covid results have made most young African men addicts to porns and nudes for enjoyment.


Most young African men under 30 are much focused on nude imageries for satisfaction. For instance on Tuesday, we have got a thread young men call Tirries Tuesday. They spend much time on social media platforms zooming, watching and meeting their needs by watching women’s boobs” says Mr. Dancun Ndlovu.


Psychologist Greg Matos on the other hand says, in post-covid time, the interest of women to men is changing especially between suitors of the same age who are apparently becoming less desirable for dating.

Pew Research Centre on men who are single

“Women would rather go to brunch with friends than have a horrible date” family psychologist Greg Matos claim.


Besides Greg Matos, another psychologist claim millennial women have got more expectations from the young men which many can’t fulfill.


Expectations of American men, TDH – Tall Dark and Handsome are rising in the minds of millennial women. And the men who can’t meet such expectations are left with nothing but opt to singlehood” says Masculinity expert and University of Akron lecturer, Prof. Ronald Levant.


Early 1990s, globally, 55 percentage of men were reported to have six or more lover girls but the drop was experienced in 2021 when 27 percentage of men especially in the US were reported living single life according to American Perspective Survey.


The Survey Centre on American Life on the other hand claim, 15 percentage of men in 2022 admitted to having no close personal friendship with women/female gender.


In Kenya, recent statistics showed Kenyan men cohabit much compared to any state in Eastern Africa. Even though the behavior of cohabit is on the rise, one lawmaker said on a local radio that they’re losing sons in unknown ways.


As a mother she said, most of men don’t want to marry and the reason to forfeit marriage doesn’t come out clear.


As mothers we are losing it. We are talking to our sons, they don’t want to get married” Kiambu County MP, Anne Wamuratha said on a local radio.


Carolyn another psychologist based in Eldoret, Kenya claim, currently young men are in fear of dating to marry because of financial constraints and inferiority complex.


Most young men are battling mental health issues especially money. Majority are unemployed thus fear dating because millennial girls are too demanding.


Moreover, the competition from ” big boys- wababaz” the money-ed men is on the rise. Young men without money are finding it hard to keep millennial women. No millennial girl want to start from the scratch with a man.


Additionally, unfaithful and discontentment among young men and women can’t be aborted. The notion men are polygamous in nature has led to the rise of young single mothers whom single men fear dating” says psychologist Carolyne Chepkoech.

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