Home » Kalonzo’s Wiper Resolve To Support Azimio’s People’s Baraza

Kalonzo’s Wiper Resolve To Support Azimio’s People’s Baraza

The Wiper Democratic Movement has resolved  to fully support the countrywide  People’s Baraza organised by Azimio La Umoja One Kenya coalition leaders Raila Odinga, Kalonzo Musyoka and Martha Karua.



In a two-day retreat in Naivasha, the party also resolved to conducting a massive nationwide membership recruitment drive.



Members of the county assemblies were also directed to fully support Governors regardless of political affiliations, Wiper party further told off President William Ruto’s for trying to bring back one single party system in Kenya.



“In a shameless effort to legitimize their fraud, the Executive has made many attempts to divide the Azimio – One Kenya coalition. They have openly used a public institution and public resources to entice individual members in the name of development to break ranks with their political parties,” Reads a statement from the party .



Kalonzo led party further said the government has systematically tried to erode all the gains of multiparty democracy and take this nation back to a one-party state.



Wiper has also vowed not to allow this country to retrogress back to the dark days of the one-party state.



“Despite all their efforts, we remain intact and united. Fellow Kenyans, It is a well known fact that this government has consistently lied to you and still continues to lie to you to date.” said Kalonzo

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