Home » Wajackoyah Cracks Ribs At Catherine Kasavuli’s Burial Ceremony!

Wajackoyah Cracks Ribs At Catherine Kasavuli’s Burial Ceremony!

Roots Party Leader Prof. George Wajackoyah who explains knowing the late Catherine Kasavuli in 1976, made sure that his presence never went unnoticed or easily forgotten, as he made remarkable sentiments at the late’s Burial Ceremony.

The controversial and bold politician studied his audience and chose the best words to put smiles on their faces, despite being in a burial ceremony of a veteran Journalist dear to them.


First, Wajackoyah claimed that he does not drink alcohol, eat meat, fish and also does not smoke sending the multitude into a huge laughter.

‘I don’t eat meat, I don’t drink alcohol, I don’t eat fish and also I don’t smoke,’ he claimed.

He secondly acknowledged his effort in running for the Presidential seat without anyone’s support outlining his undying ambition to clinch the same seat come 2027.

Wajackoyah also hinted at his close relationship with Raila insinuating a possibility of the duo working together in 2027.

‘ Raila and I have become an item. Why? I will tell you later,’ he said


In keeping his dream alive, Wajackoyah reiterated his dream of making Isiolo the capital city of Kenya and legalizing Marijuana in the country thanking  a friend for giving him a PHD in Marijuana.

He claims that if Marijuana was legal in the country, Kasavuli would not have died.

‘This girl could not have died of Cancer because Marijuana is the only medicine we have. Pharmaceutical companies in US and India are manufacturing drugs to cure AIDS and cancer,’ he said.

‘In my Gorverment  we shall make it compulsory so that Vihiga County has the emblem of Marijuana,’ he added.


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