Home » Remcy Don Claims That His Net Worth Is Ksh 120 Million

Kenyan musician Remcy Don, known for his resemblance to American singer Jason Derulo has claimed that his net worth is approximately Ksh 120 million.


Speaking in an interview with Oga Obinna, the artist asserted that his wealth is spread across various assets, including land, real estate and luxury cars.


Remcy Don also stated that his music was doing well and that he was earning from it. He added that he does not like to discuss his sources of income, as he only mentions his net worth.


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“Net worth ya huu mwaka hii ni hapo Ksh 120 million. Nikona maploti, mashamba na magari. Mali nayo ni mingi lakini unajua sitakagi kuelezea. Nikisema net worth hio inaisha,” he claimed.


He also revealed that he was investing in the matatu business, noting that he had already purchased two vehicles and was planning to add three more this year.


“Nilikuwa nataka kila mwaka nabuy Matatu kama tano. Huu mwaka nimebuy mbili so nimebakisha tatu. By mwezi wa nane hapo nitakuwa nimeongeza zote tano. Nimebuy tu mbili za kutest vile industry iko na nimeona iko sawa naeza ongezea zingine,” he stated.


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Recently, Remcy Don flaunted a brand new Mercedes Benz E200 that he had gifted himself online.

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