Home » “Nyoka Wa Pesa”: Woman Living With A Snake Claims It’s Her Source Of Wealth

“Nyoka Wa Pesa”: Woman Living With A Snake Claims It’s Her Source Of Wealth

A Tanzania woman has shared her story about what let her own a snake that attracted wealth. In an exclusive with Bongo Touch, the resident of Dar Es Saalam said life hardships made her look for another alternative to own a snake that attracts wealth.

Being the firstborn with two siblings, the woman said she sought magic help through a friend who enabled her to own the snake of luck.| Screengrab|video.

A Tanzania woman has shared her story about what let her own a snake that attracted wealth. In an exclusive with Bongo Touch, the resident of Dar Es Salaam said life hardships made her look for another alternative to own a snake that attracts wealth.

Latifa Musa popularly Tiffa said before she owned the snake of wealth, she had nothing to be proud of as a woman, but her life changed when she reared one.

“Nikiwa ninaishi Tanga, nilikuwa nikipitia wakati mgumu sana baada ya kumpoteza mtu wangu wa karibu. Na kwa kuwa tena ndimi wa kutegegemewa kwenye familia, haikuniwia rahisi kuwasaidia hata wadogo zangu” She narrated.

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The woman revealed that after she lost a supportive person in her life, that’s when life became unbearable to the extent that she saw herself as a cursed woman.

Being the firstborn with two siblings, the woman said she sought magic help through a friend who enabled her to own the snake of luck.

According to her, luck was not on her side about job opportunities until her friend connected her to a “magic” person who carried out a “jam” in her life by giving her a snake which attracts wealth.

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“Hakuna mafanikio bila kuumia. Wakati nilipompoteza mtu wa karibu, marafiki walijitenga nami na wengine kunishauri niwe kahaba lakini rafiki yangu mmoja ndiye aliyenisaidia kumpata nyoka wa pesa. Alinishauri na kunipeleka sehemu ya mtaalum wa mafanikio kwa kila kitu japo sikuamini lakini alisema niwe jasiri.” She said.

With the presence of the snake of luck, Latifa added that it has enabled her to own a mansion, have money and shine in the category of the riches in Tanzania.

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