Home » Judy Nyawira: It’s Time I Build My Mother A House
Judy Nyawira: It's Time I Build My Mother A House

Judy Nyawira is married to Award winning Filmmaker and YouTuber Abel Mutua

Content Creator and Influencer Judy Nyawira has revealed that it’s time she actualizes her dream of building her mother the house she deserves. In partnership with an interior design company,she posted a reel on her Instagram page of their works that she would love to witness in her upcoming project.

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“I have a dream to one day build my mum the kind of home she deserves.So when @oiliveoakinteriors invited me to see their latest project all the way in Kirinyaga County,I showed up quick fast.Can you believe this house iko ushago?I was truly inspired and now more than ever, I feel it’s time to actualize that dream,”she wrote.

Judy Nyawira is married to Award winning Filmmaker and YouTuber Abel Mutua and together they have a teenage daughter; Stephanie Mumbua.

They duo met in a college they both attended The Kenya Institute of Mass Communication whereby Judy majored in Film and Tv production.

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After graduating from college, her passion for film production made her venture into the media space and through her acquired skills and knowledge she has thrived as a Kenyan female producer.Both Abel and Judy own YouTube channels whereby they share their lives’ journey and impact the society positively.

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