Home » Why Kenyan Coaches Have Been Banned From Chewing Miraa And Smoking During Matches

Why Kenyan Coaches Have Been Banned From Chewing Miraa And Smoking During Matches

Why Kenyan Coaches Have Been Banned From Chewing Miraa And Smoking During Matches

It is very disappointing when you see coaches and other officials publicly smoking, KEFOCA said

The Kenya Football Coaches Association (KEFOCA) has imposed a ban on chewing miraa and smoking on the bench during matches to promote a healthier environment on the sidelines following the coaches and other officials engaging in such activities during matches.

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In an interview with one news outlet, KEFOCA chairman Ricky Solomon said the heinous behaviour does not match with the code of conduct for professionals with the actions promote a negative impact to players and coaching staff as well the environment during matches.

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Solomon went on to reveal that the behaviour of miraa chewing and smoking during matches is commonly happening in the lower leagues, sending a stun warning that any official found going against the rule would face a harsh consequence for the same.

“It is very disappointing when you see coaches and other officials publicly smoking or chewing miraa on the sidelines. What example are they showing to their charges? We want to send a warning. Anyone seen using the substances will be answerable,” the angered Solomon lamented.

Ricky Solomon second from right with other Bandari FC officials. | Photo Bandari FC Facebook.

The KEFOCA boss who also serves as Bandari FC’s technical director went on to explain the effects of abusing such drugs during matches affects the sporting activities apart from going against the standard principles of the game, professionalism which highlight discipline, sportsmanship, and a healthy sporting environment as well. “That not only raises concerns about the physical well-being of those involved but also detracts from the professionalism and focus required in football,” Solomon said.

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