Home » I had to Sell Everything- Alex Song Shares How Copying Thierry Henry’s Lavish Car Game Made Him Broke

I had to Sell Everything- Alex Song Shares How Copying Thierry Henry’s Lavish Car Game Made Him Broke

Former Arsenal midfielder Alex Song recently opened up about his financial struggles during his time at the club, revealing how he attempted to emulate the lavish lifestyle of his idol, Thierry Henry, ultimately leading to financial hardship.

Reflecting on his early days at Arsenal, Song recalled signing his first professional contract at the age of 17, which came with a substantial increase in income from €4,000 to €15,000 per month. Inspired by the glamorous lifestyle of top players like Henry, Song was determined to mirror their extravagance.

One particular incident stands out in Song’s memory: witnessing Henry arrive at training in a luxurious Lincoln Navigator. Enthralled by the sight of the opulent vehicle, Song felt compelled to acquire one for himself, regardless of the financial implications.

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Eager to emulate his idol, Song promptly arranged to obtain a similar car, despite the hefty costs associated with its upkeep. However, after just two months of ownership, the reality of the situation dawned on him. The American-made car guzzled fuel at an alarming rate, leaving Song struggling to cover the exorbitant expenses.

“When I arrived at Arsenal at 17, I signed my first professional contract and I received €15,000, I was so euphoric.
You can imagine, a young teenager who goes from €4,000 to €15,000 and so I wanted to do like the great players at Arsenal.
“One day I arrived at training and I saw Thierry Henry arrive with a magnificent car, but damn the car was a jewel, a Lincoln Navigator and so I thought I had to get the same car no matter what. And you know, when you’re a footballer, you just have to sign some papers and they will give you the car and then we take deductions from your salary,” he said.

Realizing the impracticality of his decision, Song made the difficult choice to return the car, opting instead for a more economical Toyota. Despite facing scrutiny from Henry, who questioned the absence of his luxury vehicle, Song remained steadfast in his decision, acknowledging that the extravagant lifestyle was unsustainable for him.

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Song’s candid revelation serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of succumbing to peer pressure and attempting to maintain an unsustainable lifestyle beyond one’s means. His experience highlights the importance of financial prudence and responsible decision-making, especially in the high-pressure world of professional sports.

“I swear to you that after two months, I returned the car because it was an American car that used a lot of petrol, I had nothing left in my fridge, all my money was going to the fuel and I said to them ‘give me a Toyota, your thing is too expensive In my opinion’. When I arrived at training, Henry then asked me: ‘But son, where is your car?’. I said to him: ‘This car is not at my level’.” he said.

Ultimately, Song’s story serves as a reminder that financial stability and prudent money management are essential for athletes, regardless of their income level or status. By learning from his mistakes, Song hopes to inspire others to make informed financial decisions and avoid the pitfalls of excessive spending and financial irresponsibility.

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