Women With Big Behinds, Thick Thighs Give Birth To Intelligent Children; Study Shows

- Studies have shown that women with big behind and mouth watering thighs are intelligent and give birth to intelligent children because fats stored in their behinds and thighs are responsible for brain development.
- Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh claim fat supplies found in a woman’s behinds and thighs help the baby’s brain to develop.
Dr. Lessek in his published book Why Women Need Fats, the elite say fat stored in woman’s buttocks and thighs are more essential in the development of the brain of a child.
He adds that, even if the lady has delivered a baby, fat stored in the bums and thighs always continue to be supplied especially through breast- milk.
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“You need lots of fat to make the nervous system. The fats from these areas (buttocks and thighs) are enriched with Decosahexaenoic acid – ADH which is particularly important in the development of human brain “ says Dr. Lessek.
Further, the researcher say, women with big behinds and thick thighs rarely suffer from heart diseases and diabetes. He claim thighs and buttocks have cholesterol which metabolises the huge unhealthy fats and oils produced in the body.
Another researcher, Dr. David Bainbridge a reproductive biologist from Cambridge University adds that the brain building breast-milk from a mother plays a key role in a child’s brain development.
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“The brain building breast-milk lipids are largely derived from the fats stored in the mother’s thighs and buttocks.
“Women with thick thighs have higher levels of these lipids. There is even evidence that them and their children are more intelligent as a result” says Dr. David Bainbridge.
But do women with small bum bum and thighs have a high percentage of giving birth to less intelligent children?
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Previous research which have been in existence till today highlights that, an expectant mother who have small buttocks and thighs when consume Fish oil, food rich in vitamin D and continuously being active for instance singing during her period of expectancy, she’s more likely to give birth to an intelligent child.