Home » Woman Kills Herself Inside Church After Pastor Refuses To Pay Back Loan

Woman Kills Herself Inside Church After Pastor Refuses To Pay Back Loan

400 Witchdoctors Burn Down Pentecostal Church In Religious Battle

The church that was burned was pastored by Pr. Kyagada Mark Paul from Waiswa Foundation Ministry. Photo courtesy

Church members woke up to sad news after one of their own committed suicide inside the place of worship after the pastor failed to pay back Ugsh. 16 million that he allegedly borrowed from her.


The incident happened in Kafunjo Cell in Bufunda Division and according to the LC1 Chairman Mulonde Colman, Bukenya Daniel, the lead pastor at Depths Ministries Church borrowed the money from the deceased Atukunda Scovia, a regular church goer with the promise of paying it back within a period of two months.


Musiimenta Emily, a market vendor at Ssaza market also revealed that the pastor had previously asked other market women to give him more money for prayers that will remove curses and protect their businesses.


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When the body was discovered, residents in the area together with disgruntled Christians attempted to vandalise the church and it only took bullets and teargas from the police to disperse them. They further demanded the police to not only charge the pastor for the allegations raised against him but also the noise pollution from his church.


Rwizi Region Police spokesperson Kasasira Samson revealed that the search for Bukenya is underway and investigations into the matter continue.


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The body of the deceased was taken to Ruhoko Health Center IV pending postmortem to confirm if the cause of death was actually suicide.

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