Home » MTRH Performs First Successful Cochlear Implant Surgery
MTRH Performs First Successful Cochlear Implant Surgery

MTRH doctors Image: MTRH Twitter

Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital (MTRH) in Eldoret has announced having  conducted its first  successful cochlear implant surgery.


The surgery was conducted on a lady diagnosed with post-lingual sensorineural hearing loss and it took exactly two hours according to the hospital’s report.


“The team included Dr Menach Owen, an ENT/ Otolaryngologist at MTRH, and Professor Badr Eldin Mostafa from Ain Shams University, Egypt assisted by Dr Rotich Gerald, Scrub Nurses Francis Koskei and Fridah Kotut, and Audiologist Angela Kiragu. The Anesthesia Team was led by Dr Kimani Mbugua, Dr Solomon Mwau and Mr Henry Kemei,” wrote the facility on its twitter account.


The facility based in Uasin Gishu county also boasts of being the first to successfully conduct the Surgery in East and Central Africa.


“This makes MTRH the first public hospital to undertake the specialist surgery in East & Central African region.”


Cochlear implant surgery is a procedure that helps individuals with severe hearing loss regain their ability to hear thereby improving quality of life.

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