Home » Kenyans Reactions On The Housing Fund Debate

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The housing levy fund has been a top and critical topic making headlines both on the mainstream and online media platforms.


While the Government strives to explain to Kenyans that the scheme is a mere saving and not tax as alluded, critics of the fund have engaged in a debate of priorities, needs and preferences.


Majority of critics argue that the fund may not be a priority at the moment when the economy is hitting hard on ‘Kenyan hustlers’ while others simply state that getting a  house is not their preferred item among the many needs and wants they have.


Yesterday 24th May, 2022, Housing PS Charles Hinga held a press briefing at State House giving detailed information on the proposed affordable Housing Scheme.


However, Kenyans took to the comment section to air their views and stand on the matter as follows:


Patrick Lokwang: Is it possible to start taxing those who voted for this regime first? Watu tulipigia Wajackoya hatukuwa na agenda ya housing.


David Nzai:I want employment first


CM Ndaia: We have serious problems facing the country housing is not one of them PLEASE

Master Master Mainga: Sacco is a voluntary and open member and moreso is Democratic movement
Jamo Okello: I am a luo. I want a car not a house

In the proposed affordable housing scheme, employees will be subjected to mandatory 3% salary deduction.
While speaking yesterday, PS Hinga explained that  Kenyans have a trust deficit towards the government implementing Housing Fund and that is why majority are struggling with Housing Fund idea.

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