Home » Bodaboda Rider Dies In An Accident While Overtaking A Lorry

Bodaboda Rider Dies In An Accident While Overtaking A Lorry

Sample of a motorcycle involved in an accident

  • A Bodaboda Rider Dies In An Accident While Overtaking A Lorry


A bodaboda rider caught in an accident involving two lorries that rammed into each other has left his family in mourning after he died on spot.


The man hailing from Nyahera Village in Vihiga county met his death on his way to Kisumu as he was overtaking a lorry.


The accident  occurred at around 8pm when two lorries from opposite directions(one from Kisumu heading to Kakamega and the other from Kakamega heading to Kisumu)rammed into each other


The two lorry drivers were rescued from the scene by police officers as other bodaboda riders breathing fire blamed the duo for resulting to the death of their colleague through their overspeeding.


The two lorries were taken to Mbale police station while the departed was was taken to Mbale hospital mortuary.

The drivers were rushed to Mbale hospital  for check ups pending investigations.

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