Home » Tongaren MP Pays College Fee Ksh 20,000 For Yesu Wa Tongaren’s Daughter

Tongaren MP Pays College Fee Ksh 20,000 For Yesu Wa Tongaren’s Daughter

Eliud Wekesa, New Jerusalem church leader popularly known as Yesu Wa Tongaren is an elated man after the area member of parliament gave out Ksh 20,000 fee for his daughter Nabii Enoka.


The father of eight has told the press that he was finding it a hurdle to cater for the fees of his firstborn child in college but now a happy man after God sending a destiny helper via area Mp, Dr. John Murumba Chikati.


Ninayo furaha mpwito mpwito maana kijana alikuwa kule Kiambu College na nikaona na msichana sitaweza lakini naye Mungu amenitendea tendo la ajabu” says Yesu wa Tongaren.

Eliud Wekesa alias Yesu wa Tongaren|Photo Courtesy

His daughter religiously named Nabii Enoka, her real name Diana Wekesa sat for her Kenya Certificate for Secondary Education (KCSE) at Nabing’eng’e Secondary school but due to financial constraint, Nabii Enoka had not joined college.


Elder son; real name Francis is currently a student at Kiambu College whom his father is trying to cater for his college education.


The aid of Ford Kenya Secretary General Dr. Chikati comes in the time Bungoma County, Ford Kenya party leader Hon Moses Wetangula, Kimilili Mp Didmus Barasa and county governor Kenneth Lusaka had requested law enforcers to arrest the New Jerusalem sect founder over his religious claims of being the real biblical Jesus.

Yesu wa Tongaren with Tongaren MP, Dr John Murumba Chikati|Photo Courtesy

However, Yesu wa Tongaren has urged Kimilili lawmaker and general Luhya politicians led by National Assembly Speaker Hon. Wetangula to unite and grow Luhya community politics.


Dr. Chikati on his side, has gone ahead praising Mr. Eliud Wekesa for his warm welcome and kind heart in his dialogue with the press.


Amekuwa mkarimu kwetu na ametukaribisha tukaelewana naye Ili kila mtoto ako hapa aende shule” says Dr. Chikati.


Additionally, the lawmaker has urged netizens not to poke noses into the activities carried out by Tongaren people and that everyone is free to call himself/ herself the name/she wishes to.


Mimi sioni shida mtu yeyote kutumia jina Yesu. Acha kila mtu atumie jina ambalo anataka. Msiingilie sana watu wa Tongaren ” adds Dr. Chikati.

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