Home » Man Defiles Four Desperate Job Seekers

Police in Lwengo have arrested a man who dragged four teenagers from their villages and defiled them by promising to employ them in Kampala City.


According to one of the victims, a man identified as Wasswa Ssemanda Brian alias ‘Spider’ visited their home villages and promised to take them to the city and get them jobs in expensive bars and rich people’s mansions.


“He told us to find him at the bar, he told my sister that he would give us jobs in a posh Kampala bar, but he was lying to us,” one of the victims whose identity has been concealed narrated.


After convincing them to follow him to Kampala, the teenagers packed their bags as advised by the predator. Instead of taking them to their destination as promised, Ssemanda drove them to different bars where he intoxicated them with alcohol and forced them to do karaoke for strangers.


He then rented out a lodge in Kyazanga where he raped them one by one.


According to police reports, the four girls who were violated by the predator are between the ages of 13 and 15 and are residents of Lyantonde District. The victims called upon the police to have Ssemanda arrested before he could defile more girls.


 “We appeal to the authorities to look out for the young girls working in bars because they are sexually abused. Spider should be arrested and thrown into jail for a long time so that he does not do it to someone else,” another victim cried out.


The victims are currently being housed at OKOA Refuge, a gender based violence advice center in Mbirizi – Lwengo District. David Kalanda, the center’s director, revealed that the organization is looking at rehabilitating, treating, and coming up with initiatives that will help skill them and finally resettle them in a better environment.


Greater Masaka police spokesperson Twaha Kasirye has confirmed Ssemanda’s arrest and revealed he is facing charges of defilement and child trafficking.

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