Home » 8 Year Old Fighting For His Life After Crocodile Attack

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An 8 year old boy in Buyende District is fighting for his life after being attacked by a crocodile that attacked and left him with severe injuries on his right leg.


On 6th February, Edward Musoke was grazing cattle around Lake Kyoga, Irundu Sub County, Buyende. As he led the cattle to drink water, the victim, together with his friends, had gone in the lake for a swim when the predator attacked him.


According to Michael Samanya, the father of the victim, when the crocodile attacked, it dragged Musoke by the leg and pulled him towards the water. He was only saved because it had switched its attention to another person who had come to rescue.


“When the crocodile left Musoke and wanted to attack another person who had come to help him. He was quick to jump out of the water and the rest of the group pulled Musoke out of the water,” Ssamanya said.


The victim was rushed to hospital for first aid but the treatment became so expensive for the family to afford. Samanya claims they had to bring back the victim back home because they spent a total of Ush 185,000 on a daily basis for medication until they could not foot the bills anymore.


“I spent so much money between the day he was attacked to 18th March when I was released from hospital because I could not afford the bills,” he said.


Musoke is among the many victims who have been attacked by crocodiles in the region and residents are in fear of their children being attacked by the deadly animals. They say many people have vanished and are suspected to be killed by the crocodiles.


“We are in grave danger because our children play from outside. It may target children who are on their own and take them away. So you may think the children have been kidnapped yet they are dead,” a concerned resident revealed.


Residents have called upon the Uganda Wildlife Authority to come to their rescue and also compensate the victims.


Valerian Kisambira, a representative from Uganda Wildlife Authority in turn advised locals to stay away from the shores of the lake and not to kill the crocodiles but instead contact the authority for help.


“When it attacks you, call us and we look for a way to compensate you because the law states that anyone harmed is liable for compensation,” he stated.

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