Home » Two Men Clash Over Child Paternity

Residents in Namungoona, Central Kampala embarrassed a young mother for confusing two different men about the paternity of her one year old daughter.


Samalie Ndagire faced the wrath of the locals after she drunk herself silly and in the process, abandoned the baby on the veranda in the night. This prompted the neighbors to alert the local leaders who came up and rescued the baby.


When the news spread, a village meeting was convened where two different men; Kato Charles and Kitandwe Deo clashed, both claiming paternity of the baby and each wanting to take responsibility.


Ndagire was tasked to reveal the real father of the child and amidst the chaos and pressure, she pinned the child on Kitandwe. She claimed she left Kitandwe’s home after a disagreement and while pregnant, she hooked up with Kato who took care of her needs until she gave birth, well knowing he was the father of the child.


The bitter Kato together with his father tasked Ndagire to pay for all the money they spent taking care of her and the child that did not belong to them.


“My son brought my granddaughter to be given our clan name and we are here fighting over her. I want her to give us the money that my son spent on her and her child,” Kasozi Charles revealed, asking for DNA to confirm the paternity of the baby.


The baby was left in custody of the female representative in the village while Ndagire was taken to Namungoona Police to settle the matter.

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