Home » Traders Sue China Square

More than 120 businessmen have filed complaints against the government for encouraging Chinese business operations in the country.


The businessmen claim that establishment of these Chinese businesses are limiting the survival of local businesses in the market and livelihood of at least 2,000,000 Kenyans as well over 6,000,000 people that depend on it.


They have also raised concerns regarding the illegal issuance of investment certificates to Chinese traders and giant economic migrants by the Investment Promotion Authority.


According to them, this undermines their efforts in business while at the same time violate laid out business conditions.


In unison the businessmen demand for court’s intervention in stopping Director of Kenya Citizens and Foreign Nationals Management Services from issuing business permits to Chinese nationals.


A review of Section 4 of the Investment Promotion Act provides that;


“In view of the increasing numbers of Chinese hawkers, shopkeepers, Route Eleven (11) traders, small scale retailers, wholesalers and distributors in Nairobi’s Business District East of Tom Mboya Street comprising of River Road, Kirinyaga Road, Kamukunji and Gikomba areas among others, the Applicant are convinced that the process of issuing permits to Chinese citizens has been so corrupted or otherwise compromised by the Kenya Chinese Chambers of Commerce and other Chinese nationals operating businesses in Kenya,” reads the court document.


However, the businessmen through their lawyer Kibe Muingai have listed more than 50 businesses owned by Chinese nationals.


They also want the Competition Authority of Kenya to review whether China Square Mall pricing aim at driving competitors out.



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