Home » Man Missing For One Week Discovered Dead In His House.

Man Missing For One Week Discovered Dead In His House.

Residents of Mityana District woke up to terrible news after discovering the body of one of their own decomposing in his rented house.


Emmanuel Nsonzi, a resident of Ndibulunji Village had been staying alone and according to locals and neighbors, they suspect he died a week ago because they last met and interacted with Nsonzi last Friday on 7th March. He had since gone missing and neighbors who were shocked by the news revealed that they did not try to look around for him because they thought he had traveled back to his home village.


A close friend who had business with him tried contacting him in vain until he decided to visit his home only to be welcomed by a strong stench coming from his house. He was quick to alert the neighbors and when they broke down the window, they found Nsonzi’s decomposing body.


Nsonzi died alone and none of the residents knew the whereabouts of any of his family members. The landlady who owns the houses where the deceased had been renting had little information about him.


Police arrived at the scene and took the body to Mityana main hospital for postmortem to find out the cause of death.

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