Home » Azimio Protests To Resume After Ramadan

Azimio leader Raila Odinga has announced comeback of protests after Ramadhan.


Odinga who reiterated their four major concerns which are; reduction of the cost of living, opening of IEBC servers, reinstatement of IEBC commissioners and Inclusivity in public service, hinted at a looming failed talks.


According to Odinga, the current Government are dictating what they should discuss while maintaining that their four demands must get to the discussion table.


“The people must not be left out in these talks.We ask the people to stand on guard and ensure the talks are about them”


He went ahead to give a stand should the talks fails telling his supporters that protests might be back immediately after Ramadan


“Should the talks fail, the people will have no option but take their future and that of their country into their hands”


“Wakenya hawawezi kutishwa.Nakubaliana na Pendekezo la leo; mazungumzo iendelee na maandamano sambamba.Tunangoja Ramadhan iishe, ikiisha tutatangaza”


He further urged his supporters to respond when called upon for protests when Ramadhan is finally over.

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