Suspected Cannibal Survives Being Lynched By Mob.

The police together with the residents searching through Maswanto’s house for the said corpse
Police in Masaka District were quick to disperse residents of Lwannunda Village, who had converged to lynch their fellow resident accusing him of keeping a dead body in his house.
The suspect identified as Kateregga Maswanto was accused of practicing cannibalism. They claim that in his possession, he had a corpse of an old lady from the same village who had passed on earlier and he had plans of feasting on it.
The angry residents who had converged at Kateregga’s home ready to break down his house were dispersed by the police from Masaka led by DPC Hussein Mugalula. The police together with a number of trusted residents were tasked to search through the suspect’s house for the said corpse.
The search party swept through the house but to the surprise of many, there was no corpse as earlier stated. Yahaya Lyangoba, a representative from the police, condemned the act of spreading false information and causing chaos.
“I picked the public’s trusted locals to search through the house but they never found anything like they claimed,” Yahaya said.
In reaction to the incidence, Kateregga and his family expressed their disappointment in fellow residents for accusing him falsely, causing chaos and trying to lynch him with no evidence.
“Now that they did not find anything, I want to let them know that they accused my father falsely. They want to spoil his reputation,” Kateregga’s son said.
The police confirmed that they arrested three people for inciting violence and misinformation.