Home » Man Wrapped With Dead Body As Punishment For Snubbing Burial

Man Wrapped With Dead Body As Punishment For Snubbing Burial

A man in Tororo District, Eastern Uganda was wrapped in a sheet with a dead body as punishment for snubbing a burial ceremony of a family member.


Otikwi Paul together with his father Otim Lawrence, all residents of Aukot Village had lost their cousin’s son in the same village but they snubbed the ceremony to go and dig. Having ignored the cultural demands, angry residents pursued them but Otikwi managed to escape the wrath of the locals who were ready to lynch him.


When the village youths managed to arrest him, he was presented before the elders who wrapped him in the same sheet as his dead nephew. The act went on for two hours before he was publicly flogged 50 times for disrespecting the dead.


The act is one of the punishments given by village elders to villagers who commit abominations.

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