Home » THAILAND; It’s Against The Law To Walk Without An Undergarment

THAILAND; It’s Against The Law To Walk Without An Undergarment

States have got social traditions and cultures governing their global morals such as Singapore where it’s a serious criminal offense for one to spit a chewing gum in public.


In Thailand, there exists weird laws that lands one in prison or lead to hefty fines. When you think you have escaped prison, fine is always ready on your neck.


1. It’s a criminal offense to insult any member from the royal family

Thailand people always respect the royal family. Insulting the king is breaking the law known as Lese Majeste Law. Any person breaking this law is imprisoned for a period between 3- 15 years.


Daily, Thai citizen pay homage to the King at 8am and 6pm. Regardless of where a Thai citizen may be; will stand for a minute as a show of respect to the King.


In the busy city of Bangkok, in case one is found walking at the stipulated time whether a foreigner or a local citizen, the penalty cuts across without racism.


2. Stepping On Thai Currency Is Criminalised

Baht, a Thai coin has the head of the King. Stepping on the currency is disrespecting the king and could land you in jail or fined for an unknown period.


3. Playing Cards and Gambling

In 1935, Thailand enacted a law prohibiting individuals from holding more than 120 playing cards. Oppose crowd gambling and prohibit all gambling. If you want to play poker in the hotel and on the beach, it is very dangerous.


4. Drinking Alcohol Should Be Paid Attention To The Occasion

It’s prohibited for one to be found drinking alcohol around a temple, government office, school and in public areas even if it’s for pleasure or recreation. One found breaking the law is imprisoned for six months.



When one is found in possession of illegal drugs such as cocaine; hefty fine and serious penalty is imposed on him/her. It’s a serious crime than any other to be found in possession of illegal drugs.


5. Walking Out Without An Underwear Is A Criminal Offense

Amongst the many weird but serious offenses in Thailand is stepping out team commando. No individual is allowed to walk in public without wearing an underwear.


Woman’s panty lines|photo courtesy

To women, despite being an offense to go commando; it’s also punishable to walk in public exposing your panty lines.


This law however ain’t a defacto but a dejure, it’s not recorded as to what let it into action. It also raises funny thoughts on how the law enforcers spot a pantiless person.


6. Litter And Immoral Acts

Just like in Singapore, spitting chewing gum is a criminal offense in Thailand. But, despite spitting, drying clothes around a temple, urinating and defecating around a temple and on roads is also against the law. A victim may get himself/herself on the rough side of the law.


Moreover, driving a vehicle shirtless or a motorcycle without a helmet is punishable by the law. To women, it’s not stipulated on those driving with a top.

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