Home » Eric Omondi To Hold 14 Days Non-Stop Protest From Easter Monday

Eric Omondi To Hold 14 Days Non-Stop Protest From Easter Monday

Popular and celebrated  Kenyan comedian Eric Omondi is scheduled to hold a 14 day demonstration against the high-cost living starting on Easter Monday next week.



Speaking during an interview at Hot 96 on Thursday, the comedian expressed his concerns about the current economic state and the government’s failure to prioritize the right issues.



According to Omondi, the protests’ intentions are in the interest of the common citizens who cannot afford to meet their daily basic needs.



“I will fight for the Wanjikus. It is not easy because the messages I receive, it’s getting crazier every day. I was once told that watoto hawajakula siku tatu (Children have not eaten for three days). How is that even possible?” he said.



In recent weeks, the comedian attempts to hold protests were unsuccessful. He was arrested and charged with creating public disturbance through unlawful assembly.



On February 21, 2023 alongside other shirtless men in protest against high cost of living outside parliament, Eric demanded to meet the National Assembly speaker Moses Wetangula with hope of airing out their grievance but he was arrested in the event.



Another arrest occurred on March 1, 2023 at City Stadium where he was distributing unga to Kenyans. Last week he was also arrested while on his way to   statehouse pulling a wooden cart which he claimed had resumes of youths looking for jobs.



However with all these challenges, Omondi is still determined to push forward with his agenda.

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