Home » Two Year Old Dog Gives Birth To 21 Puppies

Namine,a 2 year old dog has become a supermom after giving birth to 21 puppies in a span of 27 hours on March 15.



The Great Dane belonging to Tanya Dubbs of Pocahontas, Virginia, took a whole of 27 hours to finish the job of giving birth to the 21 puppies although two died after a short period.



Dubbs says that the Supermom had endured a lot in her lifetime giving an example of her being hit by a lorry and getting injuries but still survived.



“I called her and she stopped and looked at me and she came running to me. She’s got the scar on one side. It tore up her eye. She’s still here, we got our girl back,” said Dubbs


He further expressed his shock by the number of puppies born, saying he was only expecting that Namine would bear 13-14 pups only for it to bear 21.



“So we got up to 16 and then she had another one,I was sitting on the bed and she was on the bed with me and I was talking to a friend of mine and I heard a gush of fluid and I looked over and I said we have another puppy.”said dubby



Great Danes are one of the largest domestic dog breeds, in the world often standing at 2.5 feet tall at the shoulder and weighing more than 100 pounds.

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