Boy Admitted After Being Sodomized By Unknown Person

Kapchorwa Main Hospital in Eastern Uganda has registered a case of an 8-year-old boy who was admitted with a ruptured rectal area.
The minor is said to have been aggressively sodomized by a yet to be identified person on Sunday evening in Barawa Cell, central division in Kapchorwa Municipality.
This was confirmed by the Sipi Regional police Spokesperson Chesang Fredmark who revealed that the toddler was allegedly attacked by the predator as he was headed home from the shop. He was reportedly dragged into a dark spot where the gruesome crime was committed.
The Barawa LC1 chairman, Mashandich Felix revealed the community now lives in fear following the crime. They are working tirelessly with security forces to see that the predator is apprehended.
“Honestly, this has never happened in our area and we are living in fear and shock over the incident that happened. When the culprit is found, we do not even know what will happen to him and we ask the parents not to let their children out in the evenings… You never know what will happen,” he said, also tasking the police to speed up the investigations.