Home » Man Planning To Remarry Dragged To Court By Ex-wife Two Months After Divorce

Till death do us apart should sometime be left unsaid by marrying couple and officiators say, as time purposed us to be.


Daily, courts file divorce cases and families break-up because of unfaithfulness, property ownership, provision and perhaps, family violence brought about by poor communication.


A Zambian woman on Monday dragged her ex- husband to court after hearing her ex is about to remarry barely two months after filing divorce.


Thomas Chitika, 34 when appearing before Lusaka, Boma Court, Christine his ex-wife claimed he had violated divorce rulings by planning to remarry and denying her the right to have access to her son.


The 34-year-old Chitika while in court defended himself by saying his ex-wife Christine is archaic in terms of communication and often use vulgar language when communicating.


He also added that at one time, Christine referred to him as impotent a word that downgraded his astute masculinity.


To Chitika, the referral word impotent has never been taken lightly in his head as sometime doubt if the child is really his though they look alike as it was reported by Zambian Observer.


Following the court brawls between the two divorced couple, the court ruled out that the matter be solved traditionally at home without sending each other to jail.

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