Home » Local Leader Murdered, Dead Body Thrown On His Verandah

Police in Iganga District are investigating the death of 66 year old resident Steven Mukama, also a local leader who was known for fighting crimes in the area.


Mukama was discovered dead at his home and the half-naked body lying on his veranda leaving friends and family in utter shock and fear. Besides his body were his shoes and walking stick


According to Anthony Mutwe, a resident and neighbor to the deceased, the body was only dressed in pants and its discovery came as a shock to many since he was massively loved and considered a leader of good character.


As the village defense, a day before his death, Mukasa together with police were actively investigating a robbery case and witnesses say he was alive and healthy.


“As a church we have lost a very important person. We had problems with our land and he helped us settle the wrangles outside court.” Sam Obira, a church leader said.


East Busoga Police spokesperson, Diana Nandawula suspects that the deceased was hit by unknown people as he had gone outside his house.


“It is alleged that an unknown person assaulted the deceased who later slid and collapsed at his home. At the moment no body is arrested but investigations are underway and the hunt for the suspected criminals is ongoing who on arrest will be charged with murder.” She said.

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