Home » School Bursars Arrested For Aggravated Robbery At School Premises

School Bursars Arrested For Aggravated Robbery At School Premises

Police have arrested two school bursars from Kasawo Secondary School in Mukono District to help in the investigations of a robbery case at the school premises.


According to deputy Kampala Metropolitan police spokesperson Luke Owoyesigyire, a group of gunmen accessed the school, tying up the security guards before they broke into the office of the school administrator in the early morning hours of Monday.


Luckily enough, police were tipped off and responded with a K-9 to the crime scene which had been condoned off to help in the investigations. Two private security guards had been injured and the other two on the run.


In the police report, Luke revealed that the two bursars who shared the same office space claimed they had a whopping sum of Ush68 million in a wooden drawer because the school money safe where they were supposed to keep the money was faulty.


The three stolen computers had recently been interconnected but according to the head teacher the specific computers were targeted.


The two bursars were arrested and are being held at Naggalama police station to assist in the investigations.

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