Home » Man Who Swallowed 56 Razor Blades Operated Successfully, Doctors Report

Man Who Swallowed 56 Razor Blades Operated Successfully, Doctors Report

A team of doctors from Rajasthan, Jalore District in India have rescued a man, 25-year- old from the jaws of death after swallowing three packets of razor blades.


According to one Indian media report, the accountant from Sanchore area broke the razor blades into pieces and swallowed them.


Dr. Narsi Ram who led the team of doctors to operate the accountant say the man was brought in their private hospital not speaking and also bleeding.


Under endoscopy, ultrasound and X- ray examination, the doctors found out 56 pieces of razor blades and excess internal bleeding.


In an operation that took 3 hours, the doctors managed to remove 56 pieces of razor blades from the man’s abdomen.


As the doctors wait for the man to speak up, the family of the accountant has however not spoken about the incident.

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