Home » Meru University Students Strike Against Attempts To Oust Their Vice Chancellor

Meru University Students Strike Against Attempts To Oust Their Vice Chancellor

Meru University students today boycotted classes over what they term as  lecturers and politicians  ganging up against their Vice Chancellor Prof. Romanus Odhiambo in bid to oust him.


The students gathered outside their main gate at 10:00a.m. and started a riot against the act.


According to students who preferred to remain anonymous, the strike was to ensure three main demands are met.


“Maintain semester dates, maintain graduation date, maintain our VC, those are our theme of the unrest,” one said.


According to them, their Vice Chancellor Prof. Romanus Odhiambo attempts of ouster are  based on tribal and political grounds, urging the institution to keep off politics and shun tribalism from the institution’s management.


“Matters pertaining to politics be taken away from the institution, If you can’t allow a foreign man to reign in a foreign land why are you allowing foreign student to learn in a foreign land?” a comrade questioned


The students further applaud their VC who they say has been considerate and linient when it comes to fee clearance.


“Wapi students hulipa fee at the end of the semester kama si hapa Meru University? Prof. Romanus care for us that is why we maintain that he has to stay,” another comrade added.


Prof Romanus Odhiambo was appointed as the Vice Chancellor of Meru University of Science and Technology on 18th July, 2018 and has taken the top position of the institution for over four years now.


More to follow…

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